
Natalie's Senior Photo -Updated

Last Summer we did an indoor and outdoor shoot with Natalie, she had some fabulous photos! She just came back last Wed. for an update, since she has darkend her long locks, for her graduation party invitations.

It is always fun working with Natalie!


Spring Flowers

We have recently had some requests (commissions I guess) for flowers (like we don't already have those!).
This is the first one we came up with, the next one is pansies.


Eric & Rachel's Zookbook Wedding Album

Eric & Rachel's Zookbook is finally here!

The cover is standard black with 5x5 cameo and silver imprinting

with silver edges

some of my favorite spreads


Elizabeth & Bryan's Renaissance Album

While I have been patiently waiting for Eric & Rachel's Zookbook to come in from being bound, I have been assembling a variety of Renaissance Albums for couples. This one is the completed version of Elizabeth & Bryan, married back in 2005.


Jenn & Nik's I mount album

This is a 4x6 - 20 side IMount book by Art Leather. Jenn & Nik have gotten this one for Jenn's Grandma. We currently have a few other sizes in stock (including this 4x6) - 2x3, 5x5 and 10x10.


Fresh Start Remodeling - The Tear Out

Yesterday Chris photographed the tear out of a kitchen remodel for Fresh Start Remodeling. We will be documenting the progress of the kitchen and they will use the images to enter a competition. After the tear out in the morning they were headed to a Green Builders Expo for the afternoon. Todd said he has been building "green" for 20 years and back then he was called a hippie. Hey at least it has finally caught on!
Blogger is giving me errors, so the photos will be here as soon as I stop getting errors.


Lindsay's Dress Up Day Portait Session

Last Sunday Lindsay came in for her Dress Up Day Portrait Session. It was a rainy day outside, but it was warm and sunny in the studio. We started out with her more serious portaits -

Then we started dancing and twirling
It was on the the princess outfit next -

I had a spell cast on me, but it was a nice one.

The mermaid outfit was Daddy's favorite

The Kitty was Lindsay's Pick
 (a Halloween Costume from a few years back - she just barely still fits!)
I think we tired her out from all of the fun!