
Mary Jo & Bill's Wedding Vendors

Mary Jo & Bill were married April 22, 2006 at Holy Childhood in St.Paul, they had a trolly that took us to Como Conservatory and the Liffey before we were dropped off at the DT University Club.
Great Day! Great Vendors.
Shown here is the Florist - Lily Floral and the Cake - Queen of Cakes.


Brooke & George's Wedding Alubm

Brooke and George were married June 19, 2004. They have just recieved their wedding album they recently ordered to be their 2 year anniversary gift to each other. It turned out very cool.
Red satin on the outside, Dark Pink silk on the inside, black pages with a red and pink ribbon and silver detailing that reminded them of the infinity pattern that thier rings were custom designed from.

Jolie's wedding album

This album has been created for Jolie and Eric. Cool antique brooch on the front with a really neat fabric.

Lundgren Family

I shot the Lundgren family May 6.
Past bride and groom had a baby boy in January.
I love what I do, it is so fun to see families grow.


Naomi & Mike

Naomi & Mike were engaged on a bench by the Cherry Spoon Bridge at the Walker Sculpture Garden. Chris and I shot this session April 27th. They were up for for anything, I look forward to thier wedding coming soon in June.

Quality of Life Awards

April 25, 2006 Chamber of Commerce's Quality of Life Awards - Recognizes Local MN Businesses that help MN Charities

location: Nicollete Island Pavillion

Special Guests shown: The Junior Class of Voyagers - Edison HS

The arward winners were Medtronic, Select Comfort, Limelight Productions and Faegre & Bensen. The presentation was hosted by Frank Vascelero.